Friday, May 21, 2010

It's a takeover

So, our garage is finally......after 20 years living here.......newly painted and organized. Such a long time coming, TOO long.
(Of course, if it weren't for our wonderful daughter helping it never would have happened!)
There's a bit of a problem though.
The FARM CHICKS SHOW is only 2 WEEKS away!!!!!
And since our shop is full....
And my husband is gone for a bit....
Guess what the garage looks like now??!!
I don't dare take a zoomed out shot of it. Because my husband would see.....
and I'm not sure he would understand : ) wonderful as he is.....
I'm a very visual person. That means I need to set most everything up ahead of time to see what it will look like.
'Cause I want it to be perfect (well, at least really good!)
There's still so much to do.
And there's never enough room in the trailer.
I can think of worse problems though~~!

We'll have some amazing, cool stuff for sale.
You gotta come!
June 5-6th, Spokane, WA

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